Tips For Buying Abstract Oil Paintings

Abstract art can be incredibly captivating. It's amazing how a certain piece of artwork can make you feel a certain way, even though it does not show any distinct people or things. If you find yourself captivated by abstract art, you might wish to begin buying some abstract oil paintings for yourself. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you start building your collection.

Figure out what "mood" you're going for.

Abstract art may not depict an actual item or person, but it does evoke a certain mood. Some pieces make you feel quiet and sullen. Others make you feel loud and excited. Some people like to collect art that has a variety of moods, but most do have a preference when it comes to mood. If you don't already know what your preference is, try figuring it out before you buy. Spend some time in an abstract art gallery or museum, and pay attention to the pieces that you're most attracted to. What mood do they put you in? Then, look for artwork to purchase that evokes the same mood.

Don't feel the need to pay super high prices.

Yes, there are some renowned abstract artists whose work deservedly commands high prices. But there are also plenty of artists whose work sells at a more reasonable price, and is also incredible. When you're new to abstract art, supporting these still-growing artists is a great idea. It allows you to obtain artwork more affordably. Plus, you are buying from artists who can really use the money and exposure. Your investment in their art will help them keep growing and changing, which makes the purchase feel more meaningful.

Buy with a display place in mind.

Rather than buying paintings and hoping they fit somewhere in your home, choose your display locations first. For example, if you can identify three walls where you can hang art, then you can look for paintings that suit those three walls. This is especially important when it comes to abstract art as you really want the paintings you choose to feature the right colors, moods, and styles for a space. When you buy with space in mind, this is easier.

With the tips above, you can do a lovely job of building your own collection of abstract oil paintings. Before long, you'll be able to walk through your home and enjoy artwork on many walls.
